You are confronting an armed suspect, no cover
available. He faces you, with his gun at his side, pointed at the
ground. Your gun is aimed at him and you’re ready to shoot. He ignores
your commands to drop his weapon. Are you justified in pulling the trigger before he makes any move to point his gun at you? According
to conclusions reached by researchers in a unique new reaction-time
study, your preemptively shooting under such circumstances may well be
considered reasonable by the standards of Graham v. Connor. If
the offender suddenly points his gun in your direction, you are highly
unlikely to get a shot off to defend yourself before he shoots, the
researchers documented. Even under ideal circumstances, you probably can
fire no faster than simultaneously with the attacker. These
findings “serve to illustrate the extreme danger that armed suspects
present to police officers,” the researchers report. “Even when a police
officer has his or her gun aimed at [an armed] suspect and the suspect
is not aiming at the officer, the officer is still in extreme danger....
“The reasonableness standard [set forth by Graham] is
based on what a well-trained, prudent officer would do in a given
situation.... Our results show that even well-trained officers...with
their guns aimed at a suspect cannot reasonably be expected” to react
faster than a suspect can raise his or her gun and fire. “This is
an important study that advances the understanding of the dynamics of
deadly force encounters, which often are quite different from the
perceptions held by the general public and the media,” says Dr. Bill
Lewinski, executive director of the Force Science Institute. “While the
Institute was not involved in this project, the findings are fully
compatible with our earlier discoveries regarding officers’ reaction
times in life-threatening situations.” The new study was headed
by Dr. J. Pete Blair, an associate CJ professor at Texas State
University and a former interviewer/trainer for John E. Reid &
Associates. His investigative team included representatives of the
Advanced Law Enforcement Rapid Response Training (ALERRT) Center at the
university and was supported financially by the CJ Division of the Texas
governor’s office. Test Set Up “Suspects”
in the research were 30 male and female CJ students, averaging about 22
years old and mostly Caucasians. The test subjects were 24 male
volunteers recruited from an active-shooter training class at a regional
SWAT conference. They averaged nearly 10 years’ policing experience,
with nearly five years on SWAT, and were considered
“elite...particularly [in] the use of deadly force.” They averaged about
34 years old and slightly more than half were Caucasian. Armed
with a Glock training pistol that fired marking cartridges, each officer
progressed through a series of 10 rooms in an abandoned school,
presumably in response to a “generic ‘person with a gun’ call.” In each
room, the officer confronted a suspect armed with a similar pistol at a
distance of 10 feet. In some cases, the suspect’s gun was at his/her
side, pointed at the floor. In others, the gun was pointed at the
suspect’s own head in a suicidal pose. According to prior
instruction, one-fifth of the suspects followed the officer’s order to
surrender peaceably. The rest, designated as attackers, were told to try
to shoot the officer any time they chose “after an initial command to
put down the gun was given.” In all cases, officers had their gun up and
on target at the outset of the encounter and were instructed to
“attempt to shoot first” as soon as they perceived a move to shoot them.
Later, the research team conducted a meticulous frame-by-frame analysis of video recordings of 159 of the shooting exchanges. Reaction Time Results Analysis
showed that the suspects on average were able to fire in just 0.38
second after initial movement of their gun. Officers fired back in an
average of 0.39 second after the suspect’s movement began. Specifically,
suspects moved the gun up from their side and fired in an average of
0.36 second and from their head, on average, in 0.40 second. The average
officer responded fractionally faster to movement from the side (0.38)
than to movement from the head (0.40). Statistically, the
researchers point out, the hair-splitting differences between these
various measurements are inconsequential. The initial gun position “did
not appear to significantly affect the firing times of suspects,” the
team reports. Nor did it “appear to affect the speed with which the
officers fired.” Overall, “officers and suspects appear to have fired at
about the same time.” The miniscule edge did go to the suspects,
technically. Examined case by case, they shot faster than officers or
precisely simultaneously in more than 60% of the encounters. “Even in
situations where the officer was faster, there was less than a
0.2-second difference, suggesting that the suspect would still get a
shot off in most of these encounters,” the researchers state. “The
process of perceiving the suspect’s movement, interpreting the action,
deciding on a response, and executing the response for the officer
generally took longer than it took the suspect to execute the action of
shooting, even though the officer already had his gun aimed at the
suspect.” And this was in near-ideal conditions from the
officers’ perspective. The volunteers were “highly experienced” and
“knew they would be encountering suspects with guns.” The confrontations
took place in “well-lit rooms,” with only a single offender, “with both
parties remaining stationary,” with no distractions, with no attempts
by the suspects to deceive the officers by feigning compliance before
shooting, with officers not nearly as stressed as they would be “during
an actual life-or-death situation,” and with none reporting “confusing
sensory and perceptual distortions.” Moreover, “the suspects
extended their arms to bring the gun in line with their eyes before
shooting in almost every exchange,” rather than “simply rotating the gun
and firing.” Thus their assault was slower than a spontaneous street
encounter might be. The researchers concede that “many of the elements
that occur in real-life shootings” would doubtless add significant time
to the average officer’s reaction time. The good news in this
study concerns accuracy. Suspect role-players, largely untrained in
gun-handling, scored hits only about half the time. With their already
on target, officers were able to successfully shoot suspects nearly 90%
of the time. This is contrasts with actual OISs, where the reported
police accuracy rate is “generally less than 50 percent,” the study team
notes. Conclusions “Police officers have a
legal right to use force, including lethal force, when it is reasonable
to do so,” the researchers state. “An officer may shoot when there is an
imminent risk of harm to self or others, or to stop someone who poses a
danger to others if allowed to escape.... “There is a perception
amongst some community members that officers are too quick to shoot
those who only appear to pose a threat.... There are people who seem to
believe that the ‘reasonable’ officer should wait until a suspect with a
gun begins to use the gun against the officer before the officer
utilizes lethal force. [But] would waiting be reasonable in situations
where the suspect has his weapon in hand but not aimed?” That’s
the critical question Blair’s study addresses. “As our findings show,
most officers can’t fire faster than a suspect with a weapon in hand,
even if it is not aimed at the officer,” his team writes. Consequently,
“we think that an officer who decided to shoot [in the kinds of
situations tested] meets the legal definition of reasonableness,” given
the “close range of the encounter, the lack of available cover, the
failure of the suspect to comply with multiple warnings, and the data”
collected. The researchers stress, however, that they “do not
believe that the findings support” automatically shooting “everyone with
a gun” or “everyone with a gun who does not comply.” Armed encounters
vary in their details, and “the individual officer must consider the
totality of circumstances” in choosing a fitting response, including
whether issuing commands is feasible or desirable before firing. The
researchers believe that certain training implications are clear from
their findings. First, they support having officers participate in
scenarios similar to those they used to convey “a better understanding
of the dynamics involved” in armed confrontations and to “help correct
inaccurate beliefs about shooting ability.” Also they believe training
should “teach officers how to mitigate the dangers posed by armed
suspects” through such means as distance and cover. They hope
that their findings “will help officers, and those who judge the actions
of officers, to make more informed decisions about the reasonableness
of officers’ actions” in deadly encounters. A full report on the study has been accepted for publication later this year in the peer-reviewed journal Police Quarterly. Publication can be tracked here. Meanwhile,
Blair has 2 research projects on the board that Force Science News will
be following up on in the future. He is underway with a study of
room-entry tactics, designed to identify which technique is fastest for
revealing subjects hidden in corners, best suited for accurate fire from
officers, and least conducive to hits from offenders. He plans
also to comprehensively catalog and analyze active-shooter incidents.
Results from the building-entry study, at least, are expected by this
Seeing a subjects movement and acting is too late YOU ALSO HAVE TO PAY CLOSE ATTENTION to their body language. Don't just tunnel vision on the weapon; WATCH THEM. You will see the signs just before they move and you will then be way ahead of them.
But then on further, the explanation makes perfect sense- the bad guy has already decided what to do and has only to act. The cop has to see the movement, recognize it as a threat and then respond!
Gotta love FSRC!- and Dr Blair of course!